Congressmen: FBI Plan Would Make American Phones Vulnerable to Hackers

By Steve Neavling

Two Congressmen with computer science degrees said the FBI is making Americans vulnerable to hackers, and any suggestion otherwise is ignorant, CNN reports.

U.S. Reps. Will Hurd of Texas and Ted Lieu of California are criticizing FBI Director James Comey’s insistence that cell phone companies allow a “backdoor” for the bureau to see what’s on the phones of Americans during investigations.

The elected officials said such a move would allow hackers the same access as the FBI and that terrorists are using software tools to conceal their communication anyway.

“We strongly, but respectfully, disagree with the FBI’s proposal to force privacy sector companies to weaken the security of their products and services,” Hurd and Lieu wrote. “As computer science majors… we strongly urge the FBI to find alternative ways of addressing the challenges posed by new technologies.”

The FBI declined to comment.

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