Controversy Brewing in New Orleans Over Allegations Prosecutor Posted Harsh Comments Online Under “Eweman”

U.S. Atty Jim Letten/gov photo
By John Simerman
New Orleans Times-Picayune

NEW ORLEANS — Two of U.S. Attorney Jim Letten’s strongest backers in Washington expressed concern Wednesday about the recent allegation that a second top prosecutor in his office had posted intemperate remarks online taking bitter aim at targets of federal probes.

Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La. and Sen. David Vitter, R-La., both sounded troubled about the charge by River Birch landfill magnate Fred Heebe that First Assistant U.S. Attorney Jan Mann is the caustic online author “eweman.”

Vitter also said he is worried about the delayed public response from Letten, who has yet to offer any public defense of Mann or specifics on the case since Heebe filed his defamation lawsuit against her on Friday.

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