D.C. Bar Tries to Disbar Ex-Fed Prosecutor

By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — A former federal prosecutor is fighting a battle to keep his law license.

USA Today reports that the District’s Bar Counsel on Tuesday asked the D.C. Court of Appeals during a hearing to disbar former D.C. assistant U.S. Attorney G. Paul Howes for “illegal and unethical conduct” in some murder cases in the mid-1990s.

Howe allegedly used vouchers meant to reimburse witnesses’ cost for testifying in court to pay relatives and girlfriends of informants, USA Today reported.

Elizabeth Herman, the district’s deputy bar counsel, said the conduct was a “tremendous harm to the criminal justice system,” USA Today reported.

Howes’ attorney Paul Knight argued that the conduct was proper, USA Today reported.

“This is the way the United States attorney’s office puts together cases. … It’s a common practice. Homicides are solved all the time that way,” he said, according to USA Today.

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