D.C. Fed Judge Says Gitmo Inmates No More Dangerous Than Some Violent Street Gangs

Judge Lamberth/court photo By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — U.S. District Judge Joyce Lamberth in Washington, not exactly a shy person, isn’t buying into the critics’ claims that the Guantanamo inmates are any more dangerous than some street gangs that have gone on trial in civilian courts.

“The gangs are more murderous, I think, than some of these people at Guantanamo,’’ Lamberth, the chief judge (in photo), told lawyers at an American Bar Association breakfast, according to the Associated Press. “They’ve certainly killed their share of witnesses here.’’

Lamberth has some experience dealing with gangs. In 2004, he presided over a trial  involving  “Murder Inc.” gang members who were accused of killing 31 people, including witnesses to crimes.

So far, five Gitmo inmates are slated for trial in New York. More are expected to eventually go on trial in federal courts in New York and elsewhere.

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