Dallas U.S. Atty. Says Holder and Pres. Had No Hand in Decision Not to Prosecute Muslim Leader

U.S. Atty. James Jacks
By Allan Lengel

The U.S. Attorney in Dallas has stepped into the controversy over the decision not to prosecute a former founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) claimed Atty. Gen. Eric Holder shut down the probe into former CAIR leader Omar Ahmad for fear of offending Muslim groups.

But the  Dallas Morning News reported that Dallas U.S. Attorney James Jacks, who was involved in the investigation,  said that Holder and President Obama had no hand in the decision not to prosecute, and politics played no part.

“Since late 2007, I am the only attorney in this office that was involved in the investigation he referred to,” Jacks said in a statement to the newspaper. “If someone is telling [King] that the attorney general or the White House intervened to decline a prosecution in this matter, he is being misinformed. That did not happen.”

“The decision to indict or not indict a case is based upon an analysis of the evidence and the law,” Jacks said. “That’s what happened in this case.”

Rep. King told Politico: “I stand by my position entirely.”

Holder recently said Bush Justice Department also passed on the opportunity to prosecute the same person.



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