DEA Busts T.S.A. Screeners at LAX for Letting Drugs Through Security

tsa photo
Shoshanna Utchenik

This time it was drugs slipping through security for a few thousand in bribes.  Next time? Who knows?

One federal prosecutor noted that next time it could be dangerous materials.

The L.A. Times reports that the DEA has busted four former and current TSA agents at LAX. They allegedly accepted cash to let drug couriers board planes with suitcases full of cocaine and methamphetamines.

Authorities filed trafficking and bribery charges against the 4 TSA screeners, in a case that represents a “significant breakdown of the screening system,” U.S. Atty Andre Birotte Jr. said in a  press release, adding that the accused screeners “placed greed above the nation’s security needs.”

The bust carries larger security implications.

“In this case it was narcotics; we want to make sure the next time it’s not other dangerous materials,” Assistant U.S. Attorney David Herzog told the L.A. Times. Herzog added that the drugs did not make it out of the airport.

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