DEA Case in Baltimore Alleges Prison Gang Infiltrating Non-Profit Anti-Gang Organizations

The line between good and evil can be awfully blurred in the criminal world. Baltimore City Paper investigative reporter Van Smith lays out a DEA case which alleges that the Black Guerrilla Family (BGF), a violent nationwide prison gang with hooks in Baltimore, is infiltrating the ranks of non-profit, anti-gang organizations. It’s a disturbing revelation.


By Van Smith
Baltimore City Paper

BALTIMORE — “I need you down here. Cause I’m down here with the brothers, Meech and all them,” Todd Andrew Duncan tells someone known as “Killa” over his cell phone on the afternoon of March 27.

“Where at?” Killa asks. Duncan replies, “Down by my job.”

Duncan’s job was as a youth counselor for Communities Organized to Improve Life Inc. (COIL), a nonprofit whose mission is to provide job-skills training and anti-violence intervention in the West Baltimore neighborhoods it serves.

But law enforcers, who were listening in on Duncan’s conversation with Killa, say Duncan is also the city-wide commander for the Black Guerrilla Family (BGF) on the streets of Baltimore. The BGF, a nationwide prison gang known for its violence, radical political philosophy, and disciplined organization, has been increasingly noted in recent years for its influence outside of prison in Baltimore.

To read the full story click here.

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