With the meth problem growing, DEA’s top boss Michele M. Leonhart announced Thursday the signing of a new memorandum of cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico “to aggressively address the continuing problem” of production.
In a press release, the DEA said the U.S. and Mexican officials enjoy a strong cooperative relationship that includes information and intelligence exchange, joint chemical control efforts, and training and resources for methamphetamine lab dismantling.
“With the majority of methamphetamine in the U.S. being produced by Mexican drug organizations operating on both sides of the border, it is essential for our two countries to target the problem together,” Leonhart said. “This (agreement) enhances our intelligence sharing and joint training efforts, and is only possible due to the strong partnership with the Government of Mexico in attacking the meth scourge both countries unfortunately face.”
Mexico’s Attorney General Marisela Morales said, “Mexico and the United States are linked not only by economic, political and social bonds, but also by security and law enforcement issues.”
The DEA said Mexico has experienced a dramatic increase in clandestine methamphetamines lab and precursor chemical seizures.