Detroit Fed Judge Sets Some Hutaree Militia Members Free

Christian Militia Hutaree patch/from website
Christian Militia Hutaree patch/from website
By Allan Lengel

Three members of the Hutaree Christian militia in Michigan charged with plotting to kill cops were released Tuesday and a fourth was expected to go free Wednesday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit said.

U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts on Tuesday released Tina Stone 44, David Stone Jr., 19, and Jacob Ward, 33, after the U.S. Attorney’s Office dropped it’s legal battle to keep them behind bars.

Kristopher Sickles, 27, is expected to be released Wednesday, but five others will remain behind bars pending their appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals to go free pending trial.

Judge Roberts had ordered all nine free, saying they did not appear to pose a danger to the community, a ruling that raised questions about the strength of the case. But U.S. Attorney’s Office appealed that ruling.

Court records show all three released Tuesday must adhere to number of restrictions. For one, they must live with their parents and refrain from drinking alcohol, using a police scanner and associating with members of a militia or paramiltary group.


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