“Die Hard” Director John McTiernan Pleads Guilty to Lying to FBI

die-hard-posterBy Allan Lengel

Rogue Los Angeles private detective Anthony Pellicano, who wiretapped the rich and famous, and is now in prison, is still touching the lives of some in a bad way.

The latest sign of that came Monday when “Die Hard” director John McTiernan pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about paying Pellicano $50,000 in 2000 to wiretap the telephone of a Hollywood producer Charles Roven, Bloomberg news reported.

Bloomberg reported that prosecutors filed a plea agreement in Los Angeles U.S. District Court. The agreement indicated that prosecutors won’t ask for more than a year in prison.

McTiernan, 59, originally pleaded guilty to the charges in 2006, but was later allowed to withdraw because he hadn’t gotten a hearing to try and suppress evidence, Bloomberg reported.

Pellicano, 66, got 15 years in prison for illegally spying on people. Pellicano is currently being housed in a low-security prison in southeastern Arizona. His release date is Feb. 28, 2019, according to the The Bureau of Prisons.

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