Donald Trump Speculates – with No Proof – That FBI Granted Clinton Immunity

By Steve Neavling

Donald Trump on Thursday suggested that Hillary Clinton was given immunity, along with five of her staffers, during the yearlong FBI investigation into her use of a private email server.

But the Republican presidential candidate, who has a history of lying and misleading voters, couldn’t substantiate his claims that the FBI gave Clinton immunity.

“They gave so much immunity there was nobody left to talk to. There was nobody left, except Hillary,” he said, Politico reports. “They probably gave her immunity, too. Do you think Hillary got immunity? Yeah, she had the immunity. She had something.”

The FBI has denied Clinton was promised immunity.

What is clear is that five Clinton staffers, whom Trump dubbed the “FBI Immunity Five,” were granted immunity in exchange for information about the email server.

“You saw what happened about taking the Fifth Amendment, and her ring leaders getting immunity deals,” Trump said during a rally in Bedford, New Hampshire. “We’ll call them really the FBI Immunity Five.”

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