Editorial: New Orleans Paper Urges Obama to Keep U.S. Atty. Jim Letten

U.S. Atty. Jim Letten
U.S. Atty. Jim Letten

By New Orleans Times-Picayune

NEW ORLEANS — Residents across metro New Orleans appreciate the value of dedicated public servants like U.S. Attorney Jim Letten.

Under his leadership, the office has kept up a relentless war on public corruption and has helped local law enforcement agencies fight violent crime — particularly in New Orleans.

Those are vital efforts for our recovery, and the best way to ensure their continuity is for President Barack Obama to keep Mr. Letten on the job.

U.S. attorney posts, unfortunately, have generally been viewed as political plums. So whether Mr. Letten stays is in great part up to Louisiana power brokers in the Democratic Party.

Sen. Mary Landrieu, as the state’s senior senator and a Democrat, will have an important role in any decision. She voiced strong support for Mr. Letten in November, calling his work “outstanding” and saying she would meet with Democrats and Republicans about keeping him as U.S. attorney.

That was encouraging. It also was four months ago.

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One thought on “Editorial: New Orleans Paper Urges Obama to Keep U.S. Atty. Jim Letten

  1. U.S. Attorney Jim Letten’s pattern of performance demonstrates that he selects and chooses whom he prosecutes / investigates. His behavior further demonstrates that he conceals and / or distorts facts and evidence, abusing his authority and position for persons he chooses to shield. JUDICIAL CORRUPTION in Louisiana’s Federal Court system is an incredibly unabashed realism. Letten demonstrates repeated acts of covering for certain judges and judicial improprieties and unconstitutional activities; and Letten’s role in concealing identities of Johns who patronized the New Orleans Canal Street Brothel -inclusive of U. S. Senator David Vitter- when the brothel was raided is rumored to be the reason why Congressman Vitter got Letten promoted from acting U.S. Attorney to U.S. Attorney. Also, the fact that federal Judge Thomas Porteous is now being considered for impeachment from the bench, supports conclusions that Letten did in fact “doctor” the facts and evidence Letten submitted to the Washington Feds when Porteous was being scrutinized concerning the “Operation Wrinkled Robe” scandal. Various other wrongful acts by Letten on behalf of certain wealthy persons attests that New Orleans corruption will not change. Letten MUST BE REPLACED! For irrefutable proof of Letten’s disturbing manner of conduct, here are a few links to check out:






    Barbara Ann Jackson
    Law & Grace, Inc

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