End Could be Near for Louisiana Fed Judge Thomas Porteous Jr.

It looks like it could be the end for Louisiana Fed Judge Thomas Porteous. Perhaps Congress will figure out, enough is enough.

Judge Thomas Porteous
Judge Thomas Porteous Jr.
By Ben Evans

WASHINGTON –It’s not the lifestyle of a typical federal judge: Five or six vodka cocktails during lunch; gambling with borrowed money; bankruptcy under a phony name; cash, trips or home repairs from lawyers; and a bail bondsman with business before his court.

Witnesses in the congressional impeachment case against U.S. District Court Judge G. Thomas Porteous Jr. paint a jarring portrait of the former Louisiana state judge appointed to the federal bench in 1994 by President Clinton.

As Congress wrapped up several weeks of evidence-gathering hearings this week, legal experts who testified before a House task force suggested Judge Porteous is a clear candidate to become just the eighth federal judge in U.S. history to be impeached and convicted by Congress.

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