Updated: Washington Post Reports That Story About Escaped Mexican Drug Lord ‘El Chapo’ Threatening to ‘Destroy’ ISIS Is a Hoax

'El Chapo' Guzman
‘El Chapo’ Guzman

Updated: Monday, 11:37 a.m. — The Washington Post reports that a number of publications including Forbes, New York Post and Fox News Latino, were duped when it reported that escaped Mexican Drug Lord  Drug Lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman had fired off an angry email to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The paper reports that the story started as joke and apparently spun out of control. Ticklethewire.com reported the story, using information from Forbes.

The paper reported:

Most English-language accounts of the story trace its origins to Cartel Blog, a small publication which published a report detailing Guzmán’s alleged email to Baghdadi on Monday. “It turns out a Mexican blogger leaked the message after it was sent email encrypted directly to the Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, a prominent ISIS leader,” the unnamed author of the post writes. “The blogger has intimate ties with actual Sinaloa cartel members, so it looks as if the warning is indeed legit.”

The Post goes on to report:

However, it appears that the email appeared first on an American website called Thug Life Videos on Nov. 30, a website that publishes a mixture of music videos, news and satire. The story is quite clearly the latter. “We write funny ‘satire’ stories occasionally which we assume are taken as jokes, and generally they are,” Steve Charnock, a writer for Thug Life Videos, told Snopes.com. “Maybe I didn’t make this El Chapo story funny or weird enough, though. Or I just have an uncanny ability to ape how Mexican drug cartel kingpins talk.”


By Steve Neavling

It sounds like the plot of an action-packed movie: An escaped Mexican drug lord is threatening to take on the world’s most hated terrorists.

Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, the escaped boss of the notorious Sinaloa Cartel, has threatened to eliminate ISIS for destroying drug shipments to Middle East countries, Forbes reports. 

Guzman reportedly sent a harshly-worded email to the head of ISIS, Abu Bakd Badhdadi, threatening to wipe out the terrorist group.

“My men will destroy you. The world is not yours to dictate. I pity the next son of a whore who tries to interfere with the business of the Sinaloa Cartel. I will have their  heart and tongue torn from them.”

He added: “You [ISIS] are not soldiers. You are nothing but lowly p *ssies. Your god cannot save you from the true terror that my men will levy at you if you continue to impact my operation.”

Federal investigators have not yet been able to authenticate the threat.

“I don’t have any information to weigh in either way,” DEA spokesperson Rusty Payne told Forbes.

ISIS is opposed to drug use and reportedly has destroyed shipments wending their way through Iraq and Syria.

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