Ex-Atty. Gen. Ashcroft Loading Up Law Firm With Ex-U.S. Attorneys

John Ashcroft is doing the smart thing, loading up his law firm with brand name attorneys. It can’t hurt.

By Amir Efrati
Wall Street Journal Law Blog
John Ashcroft, the U.S. attorney general during President Bush’s first term – and noted singer of “Let the Eagle Soar” (YouTube clip below) – is spreading his wings. Today Ashcroft  announced that his law and consulting firm, The Ashcroft Group, is opening four new offices across the country, each to be led by Bush-appointed U.S. attorneys leaving office to make way for appointees by President Obama.
They are:

Michael Sullivan *Michael Sullivan, U.S. attorney in Boston and former acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives in Washington. Click here for a recent LB post on Sullivan.

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