Ex-Atty. Gen. Ed Meese Latest Big Name to Criticize White House on 9/11 Civilian Trial

Ed Meese/yale.edu photo
Ed Meese/yale.edu photo
By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — Former Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III, who served under President Ronald Reagan, is the latest big name to publicly criticize the White House decision to prosecute the 9/11 terror suspects in a civilian court in New York.

The Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy and Chairman of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation, released the following statement:

“It is clear that foreign terrorists and terrorist groups have committed acts of war against the United States, and that our national security requires that we respond accordingly. This means that President Bush’s prudent actions and the military response which he led should continue as our answer to these attacks.”

“Congress overwhelmingly reaffirmed their commitment to military commissions in 2006, which have historically been the way that we respond to acts of war. To abandon our two centuries of tradition and to substitute some new civilian procedure as a response to such attacks endangers the security of our country and our national interest.”

“It was a tragic mistake to decide to abandon the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, which was designed physically and legally to handle these types of cases. It is a further tragic mistake to now bring the detained war combatants into the United States and to employ civilian criminal procedures which were never intended for this type of situation.”

“The U.S. Constitution protects American citizens and visitors from the moment they are suspected of criminal wrongdoing through a potential trial. These same protections are not, have never, and should not be granted to enemy combatants in war, since it is clear that regardless of the outcome of the trial, these detainees will likely remain in the custody of the United States.”

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