Ex-Atty. Gen. Gonzales Tells N.Y. Times He Hasn’t Spoken To Bush Since Pres Left Office or Gotten a Job Offer From Law Firm

Alberto Gonzales
Alberto Gonzales

By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — Sadly, Alberto Gonzales was one of the worst U.S. Attorney General’s this country has ever had.

Gonzales, who has taken a teaching job at Texas Tech, told the New York Times that he has not been offered a job at any law firms since leaving his post, and he has not spoken to President Bush since the Bush left office.

Here are some questions and answers from an interview with the New York Times’ Deborah Solomon.
Isn’t there still an ongoing investigation by a special prosecutor who was appointed last year to look into the removal of the attorneys?
I wish I could comment on that, but because it’s an ongoing investigation, I cannot.

Would you agree that your reputation was damaged by your service as attorney general?
It has had an effect, a negative effect, no question about it, and at times it makes me angry because it is undeserved. But I don’t want to sound like I am whining. At the end of the day, I’ve been the attorney general of the United States. It’s a remarkable privilege, and I stand behind my service.

Has any law firm offered you a job since you left the White House?
Listen, I’ve had some interest and I’ve had some discussions, but there has been no offer made. In a tough economic climate, I can understand why a company or a firm would want to make sure that the investigations are complete and there is no finding of wrongdoing before they make a hiring decision.

Do you still talk to President Bush?
I have not spoken with the president since he left office.

Have you ever been tempted to pick up the phone and say hi to him?
I do, of course, think about our time together, and there are times when I think about doing that. But listen, I know that he has his life to live. I’ve got challenges and my life to live as well.

To Read Full Interview

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