Ex-Atty. Gen. Mukasey Works to Water Down Foreign Corrupt Practice Act, Daily Kos Reports

Ex-Atty. Gen. Mukasey/doj photo
By Allan Lengel

The Daily Kos website writes that ex-Attorney Gen. Michael Mukasey “has a new gig in which to ply his talents: making it easier for corporations to bribe foreign governments.”

The site writes that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FPCA) was designed to prevent U.S.-based multinational corporations from bribing foreign governments. The Obama administration seems to be stepping up efforts in this area.

The Daily Kos reports that Mukasey, who is a partner in the firm Debevoise & Plimpton, has filed lobbying papers and is working on behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to water down the  Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

“The Chamber has become increasingly critical of the FCPA in recent months,” the Daily Kos wrote. “It argues that the law, which allows the U.S. government to seek charges against corporations and individuals for bribes paid to local officials in other countries, is not working well and could be making U.S. companies less competitive.”

“The expansion in prosecutions and investigations of course has brought a great deal of anxiety to companies in the United States,” Mukasey said at the Chamber’s annual legal summit, according to video of the panel, the Daily Kos reported.

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