Ex-DEA Agent in Atlanta Off To Prison

A college football star and top notch DEA agent took a wrong turn. Now he’s off to prison.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution
ATLANTA – After his college football career, Greg Campion became a decorated law enforcement officer for cracking large-scale drug rings and apprehending high-value suspects.
But on Thursday, with some of his old colleagues looking on, the disgraced former federal agent stood before a judge and begged for mercy.
“I have made a terrible mistake,” said Campion, 38, his hands clasped behind his back. “I will offer no excuse to you, whatsoever.”
U.S. District Judge Jack Camp sentenced the former agent to one year and nine months in federal prison for failing to report more than $200,000 in cash income. Camp also ordered Campion to pay back $92,614 to the IRS and the Georgia Department of Revenue.
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