Ex-FBI Agent Groman May See His Book Made Into a Movie

Herman Groman
Herman Groman
By Allan Lengel

Herman Groman,  a retired FBI agent in Las Vegas, may be going Hollywood.

Groman, who heads up security at the Orleans Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas,  recently authored his first novel, a suspense thriller called “Pigeon Spring”.

Now, he says  producer-director Joseph Merhi read the book and wants to make a movie out of it. Interestingly, the boook features a  key character Matt Steel, who happens to be  an ex-FBI agent who is also a director of security at a Las Vegas hotel.

Groman said he has spoken to  Merhi a couple times and has another meeting scheduled Thursday in Las Vegas to talk about the film.

groman book

“I’m excited about it,” Groman told ticklethewire.com. , saying that the Merhi told him he was confident it was all going to happen.

He said the producer’s “vision is that he’d like to make a feature film and he envisions a spin off TV series based on the book.”  Merhi has produced a number of movies including “The Whole Ten Yards”  with Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry.

Groman retired from the FBI in 2005.

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