Ex-FBI Agent Who Worked Espionage Authors Spy Novel

Tom Stutler
By Allan Lengel

Ex-FBI agent Thomas R. Stutler, a newly minted author, says he likes fiction readers to get a sense authors know what they’re  talking about.

“My goal when writing fiction is always to make sure the reader can tell the book was written by somebody who was in the game… Every sentence, every paragraph and every chapter should feel real and alive and most importantly… Possible!,” he writes on his website.

Stutler, a former Florida state’s attorney turned FBI agent, who worked espionage and counterterrorism in California and at FBI headquarter from 1995 to 2004, has authored  “The Consulate”, a spy novel about a CIA-trained FBI agent and the Chinese government’s efforts to compromise a classified project by the White House that impacts all the American people. The book is edited by author Bob Andelman, whose name appears as a co-author.

Stutler told ticklethewire.com that he self-published the book and got a distributor to arrange for downloads at Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble and iTunes. Though the book was first available in February, he said he just started marketing it the other day because of some glitches with the download.

A second book — part of the series — has just been completed, he said. But that’s not all. Someone has offered a letter of intent for the movie rights, he said.

“I love writing,” said Stutler, who has been a consultant for the Kevin J. Anderson, the best selling author of the X-Files.

Stutler lives in Tampa and has a consulting and private investigative agency.

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