Ex-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III Gives Up Takata Airbag Gig for Russia Probe

Ex-FBI DIrector Robert S. Mueller III

By Allan Lengel

DETROIT — Ex-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III has bigger fish to fry, as the saying goes.

Mueller has resigned from his appointment as Special Master in the Takata airbag criminal restitution fund to carry on as special counsel to head up the Justice Department’s investigation of Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election, the U.S. District Court in Detroit confirms.

“Bob Mueller took an extraordinary monetary loss to drop this assignment and willingly gave up fees that would have amounted to millions of dollars to accept the Justice Department’s Special Counsel appointment,” U.S. District Judge Judge George Caram Steeh says Monday in a statement.

“He also had to sever his employment with his law firm.  He willingly did this to perform his civic duty.  It was an extraordinary thing to do.”

Steeh will confer with Justice Department lawyers and Takata to find a replacement. The court will consider Kenneth Feinberg, whom both parties had recommended, and possibly others in the next few weeks, according to a release.

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