Ex-Federal Prosecutor Alan Bersin Named ‘Border Czar” To Deal With Violent Drug Cartels

Alan Bersin/state of calif. photo
Alan Bersin/state of calif. photo

Homeland Security Sec. Napolitano, coming from Arizona, recognizes the menacing Mexican drug cartel problem. This latest move is very commendable, so long as Alan Bersin gets the resources to make a difference.  If not, the move will be all for naught.

The Associated Press
EL PASO, Texas — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano named a former federal prosecutor Wednesday to the new post of “border czar” to oversee efforts to end drug-cartel violence along the U.S.-Mexico border and slow the tide of people crossing illegally into the United States.

Napolitano named Alan Bersin, a former Justice Department official who was charged with cracking down on illegal immigration in the 1990s, to fill the post at the Homeland Security Department.

“Alan brings years of vital experience with local, state and international partners to help us meet the challenges we face at our borders,” Napolitano said in a statement. “He will lead the effort to make our borders safe while working to promote commerce and trade.”

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Commentary: Bersin Position Will Cause Confusion As to How DHS is Organized (Security DeBrief)


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