Ex-Gov Blago Wants Judge to Let Him Play All FBI Tapes at Trial

Rod Blagojevich/rod radio photo
Rod Blagojevich/rod radio photo
By Allan Lengel

Publicity hound Rod Blagojevich, the ex-Gov. of Illinois, pleaded “innocent” Wednesday in federal court in Chicago to a revised public corruption indictment, and his attorneys indicated they want the green light to play all the secret FBI recordings they desire during trial, the Chicago Tribune reported.

The Tribune reported that Blago’s attorneys wrote in a motion that the former governor is “desirous that the recordings be heard in open court by the jury, believing as he does that a full airing of the recordings will establish his innocence of every count in the indictment.”

After the hearing, the Tribune reported that Blago said:

“Play the truth and nothing but the truth. Play all the tapes.”

He is accused of using his office to make money and trying to sell the Senate seat vacated by President Obama.

Prosecutors had filed a revised indictment to avoid any complications that might come from a pending Supreme Court ruling on “honest services” fraud.

Read full story.

Read Blago’s Motion on Tapes

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