Ex-Philly FBI Agent Bob Wittman Pens Book on Art Thefts

priceless 2By Allan Lengel

When it comes to ex-FBI agent Bob Wittman, Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Michael Klein put it best: “During his 20 years as a Philly-based FBI special agent, Bob Wittman is credited with recovering nearly a quarter-billion dollars worth of art. That’s a lot of Monet.”

Wittman, who started the FBI’s Art Crime Team, has penned a book “Priceless”, which hits the book stores on Tuesday.

Random House, the publisher of the 336 page book,  describes it this way:

“Rising from humble roots as the son of an antique dealer, Wittman built a twenty-year career that was nothing short of extraordinary. He went undercover, usually unarmed, to catch art thieves, scammers, and black market traders in Paris and Philadelphia, Rio and Santa Fe, Miami and Madrid.

“In this page-turning memoir, Wittman fascinates with the stories behind his recoveries of priceless art and antiquities: The golden armor of an ancient Peruvian warrior king. The Rodin sculpture that inspired the Impressionist movement. The headdress Geronimo wore at his final Pow-Wow. The rare Civil War battle flag carried into battle by one of the nation’s first African-American regiments.”

To see the webpage for the  book click here.

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