Ex-Secret Service Agent Answers Question: Is Barack Obama A Nice Guy?

Jason Wells (Linkedin photo)

By Allan Lengel

While working a detail, Secret Service agents act professionally. But internally, they have opinions of the people they protect.

Jason Wells, a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, knows a thing or two about the Obamas. He is a former U.S. Secret Service agent who worked a detail protecting the Obama family, and answers the question about the family in a story posted on the website, VT, a news and entertainment outlet:

“With that stated…. Senator Obama, Mrs. Obama and their two daughters were always extremely cordial and appreciative for everything that we provided them.”

“They were engaging with us, asking us about our families and making sure that we were provided for. On numerous occasions, Mr. Obama would ask me how my wife was doing (she was pregnant with our first child), and wished her the best.

Wells Linkedin page says this:

Provided physical protection to senior executive leadership of the United States of America including President Obama, Former Presidents Carter, Clinton, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and families, Vice President Biden and family, Former Vice President Cheney and family; as well as security for foreign dignitaries hosted in the United States (including Prime Minister Tony Blair). Provided physical protection to US leadership and dignitaries during international assignments, liaising with foreign security details to ensure that security protocols were in compliance with international regulations

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