Ex-Secret Service Agent Contracted Swine Flu During Presidental Trip to Mexico

secret-service-logo1Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — A former U.S. Secret Service agent from Maryland, who traveled to Mexico with President Obama last month “probably contracted swine flu and infected several members of his family in Anne Arundel County”, the Washington Post reported Friday.

Marc S. Griswold, who had left the Secret Service a while ago and is an employee of the Department of Energy, was serving as a lead advance agent for Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the presidential trip, authorities said Friday morning. He told the post that a minor cough turned into the swine flu, but that he has recovered.

Griswold said the disease has created problems for his family, which had endured stares and mean jokes, the Post reported.

“We’re not the Typhoid Mary family, for goodness sake,” Griswold told the Post. “We’ve been told we’re not contagious. We’re already past the seven-day mark for that.”

Griswold did not get close to the President during the trip, the paper reported.


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