Ex-Secret Service Agent Not Humored by NYT Columnist’s Assassination Joke about Trump

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

By Steve Neavling

At least one former Secret Service agent was not humored when a New York Times columnist joked that an assassination attempt would end Donald Trump’s presidential run.

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino told WND that the joke was “irresponsible, grotesque, despicable and ignorant.”

Columnist Ross Douthat tweeted Wednesday afternoon, “Good news guys I’ve figured out how the Trump campaign ends,” linking to a YouTube clip from the 1983 movie “Dead Zone” in which a political candidate holds up a baby as a human shield to prevent an assassination attempt.

Douthat removed the tweet and apologized, tweeting, “A lot readers were offended by my Trump/’Dead Zone’ joke from yesterday. I can see why, and I’ve deleted the tweet. Apologies.”

Bongino, who is an outspoken President Obama critic, was not impressed.

“The people are angry at Washington, D.C., and more importantly, the insider class, which includes people like this joker,” Bongino said. “People are angry at them because they feel like morally and ethically that these people live by a different code, and this guy’s code is clearly, ‘I’m gonna say or do whatever I want to anyone who doesn’t live by this connected insider set of rules,’ even if it means tweeting a tweet that suggests someone should kill the guy!

“I mean, how out of touch, ethically challenged and disgusting can this group of people get?”

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