Ex-Secret Service Agent Pleads to Posing as Fed Agent

 By Allan Lengel

In most cases, most people who impersonate a federal agent were never a federal agent. Not even close.

Then there’s  Sandra Elder.

Elder, a former Secret Service, agent pleaded guilty last week in Flordia to impersonating a federal law enforcement officer, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Sentencing is set for Feb. 10 in West Palm Beach.

She faces up to three years in prison.

Authorities said that Edler had not been an agents since 2001.

Authorities aid Elder served as an adjunct professor at a local university in Broward County and fraudulently told students, faculty and high-level administrators at the university that she was an active Special Agent of the United States Secret Service who was close to retiring after many years of service as a federal agent.

She also submitted fraudulent documentation to the university claiming she was serving as a current Supervisory Special Agent of the United States Secret Service.


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