Ex-U.S. Atty and Current Gov. Chris Christie Tries to End Speculation About Presidential Bid: There’s “Zero Chance”

Christopher Christie/campaign photo
By Allan Lengel

Ex-New Jersey U.S. Attorney and current Governor Chris Christie tried Wednesday to put an end to speculation that he might make a bid for president as a Republican in 2012.

Appearing on NBC’s Today show, Christie, 48, told Ann Curry:

“There is no chance , zero chance, under any circumstances. Close the door, nail it shut…The fact is I’m not running.”

Curry then asked the beefy governor about his weight loss, which has fueled speculation about a presidential bid.

“You’re also losing weight, how much?” asked an insistent Curry.

“We don’t give numbers out Ann, we set ourselves up for failure,” he said, as Curry kept pressing him. “Look at you , you don’t have to worry about it.”

I feel better,” he added about his weight loss. “What’s most important is I started to do this because I have four children between 7 and 17 and I want to be here for them for the long haul. They’re not worried about the numbers and neither am I. It’s that I’m feeling better, we’re moving in the right direction. Just like New Jersey. We’re not better yet, but were moving in the right direction.”

He was elected governor in November 2009 and served as U.S. Attorney from 2002 to 2008.

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