Ex-U.S. Atty. Christie’s Crime Buster Image Being Tarnished in NJ Gov Race

Christopher Christie/campaign photo
Christopher Christie/campaign photo

By Allan Lengel

In New Jersey, a landscape flush with plenty corruption, former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie entered the gubernatorial race as a crime buster out to rescue the state.

But in the past few months, his Democratic opponent Jon Corzine and the media have done plenty to try and tarnish that image, accusing the Republican Christie of ethical breaches while he worked as the Bush-appointed U.S. Attorney in Newark from 2002 to 2008.

The latest question mark comes from the Newark Star-Ledger, which reported on Sunday that Christie, just before he quit, hired the son of a mentor and friend  over the objections of fellow federal prosecutors.

“Christie hired Samuel Stern over objections from nearly every assistant U.S. attorney who interviewed him, according to three federal law enforcement officials with knowledge of the hiring process,” the Star-Ledger reported. Samuel Stern is the son of  Herbert J. Stern.

“They contended Stern, who at the time was two years out of law school, lacked the experience to become a federal prosecutor, the officials said,” according to the Star-Ledger.

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