By Steve Neavling
Jorge Garcia was only 10 years old when an undocumented family member brought him to the U.S. from Mexico.
Three decades later, after raising two teenage children with his beloved wife, the 39-year-old landscaper from suburban Detroit was forced to say goodbye to his weeping family and return to Mexico under President Trump’s stiff crackdown on illegal immigration, the USA Today reports.
Garcia, who appears to have a clean criminal record, was too old to qualify for Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals, an Obama-era policy that protected children of undocumented immigrations from deportation. Immigrants who want to qualify for DACA status DACA must be 31 or younger as of June 15, 2012.
Garcia routinely checked in with ICE but was never forced to leave.
That changed in November during his last check-in, when immigration agents told him he must leave the country.
On Sunday night, a heavy-hearted Garcia said he was sad and worried.
“I got to leave my family behind, knowing that they’re probably going to have a hard time adjusting, me not being there for them for who knows how long,” he said, his hands pressed against his forehead. “It’s just hard.”