FBI Agent Accused of Bankrolling Lavish Lifestyle with Seized Drug Money

By Steve Neavling

An FBI agent is accused of bankrolling his lavish lifestyle with money seized from drug dealers.

Scott M. Bowman, 44, has been charged with stealing more than $100,000 confiscated from suspected drug dealers, according to a grand jury indictment unsealed Thursday, the Los Angeles Times reports. 

Bowman is accused of spending the money on a $27,500 sports car, a $44,000 Dodge Challenger, $25,000 worth of sound systems and wheels, $15,000 for cosmetic surgery for his wife and $1,000 boxing tickets.

In one case, according to the indictment, Bowman opened an evidence bag and removed “a substantial amount.”

Bowman “put his own greed above the trust placed in him by the FBI and the American public,” Assistant Atty. Gen. Leslie R. Caldwell said in a statement. “Corrupt law enforcement agents not only compromise those investigations in which they are involved, but also damage the reputations of fellow law enforcement officers who are dedicated to public service and the protection of all Americans.”

Bowman also was charged with obstruction of justice, witness tampering, money laundering and falsification of records.

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