FBI Agent Accused of Using Heroin That Was Stored As Evidence for Trial

By Steve Neavling
Matthew Lowry, the FBI agent suspected of tampering with evidence in drug cases, is accused of using heroin that was earmarked as evidence for a trial, the Washington Post reports.

The accusations against Lowry are so serious that authorities are dismissing cases against convicted and accused drug dealers in Washington D.C.

Lowry’s attorney described the allegations as “grossly overblown” and said his client wants to cooperate and “help bring this matter to a fast conclusion.”

Officials said Lowry has discussed the allegations with investigators.

2 thoughts on “FBI Agent Accused of Using Heroin That Was Stored As Evidence for Trial

  1. This all started in 2004 when former FBI Director Bob Mueller III declared “open hunting season of Agents.” … His fix to the dirty Bob Hanson mess.. Wanting to appear to congress as the tough no nonsense hard-core former U.S. Marine now “fixing the Bureau” he destroyed hundreds of completely innocent FBI Agents careers and lives in the processes. Not sure if Mr. Lowry is guilty… but if he is it’s an addiction caused by living and working in an Agency Mueller turned into a dog-eat-dog organization.
    My 2 Cents.. Jeff Car

  2. Mr Jeff:you are absolutely correct.
    And yet Teresa Carlson stills holds her promotion to
    a desk job in FBIHQ. She should join Lowry.

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