FBI Agent Arrested on Charges of Threatening to Kill Wife and Head of Dallas FBI

FBI's Robert E. Casey Jr./fbi photo
FBI's Robert E. Casey Jr./fbi photo
By Allan Lengel

Suffice to say, FBI agent Carlos Ortiz is in big trouble.

The 48-year-old Dallas agent was arrested Wednesday for allegedly threatening to kill his estranged wife — also an FBI employee  — and Robert E. Casey Jr., the head of the Dallas FBI, the Dallas Morning News reported.

The paper reported that Casey had placed Ortiz on leave pending an investigation into domestic violence and then fired him.

Ortiz, of Red Oak, Tex., a 21-year veteran  was being held at the Dallas County jail, the paper reported. He is scheduled to make a court appearance in federal court on Thursday on charges of threatening to assault or kill a federal law enforcement officer, the Dallas Morning News reported.

The paper reported that Ortiz allegedly told a friend of his plans to kill his wife and Casey. Ortiz filed for divorce and bankruptcy last year, the paper reported.


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