CLEVELAND — FBI Agent Christine Oliver’s introduction to Cleveland, where she would play a significant role in the biggest public corruption case in Ohio history, began inauspiciously.
Before graduating from the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va., Oliver and the rest of the class of 1997 participated in the traditional listing of preferences for their first assignments, ranking the nation’s FBI offices from one to 56. A lifelong resident of the East Coast, Oliver ranked the Cleveland office 39th. No classmate received a lower-ranked assignment.
“The only thing I knew about Cleveland was that it was cold and I had never been there,” Oliver recalled last week. “I wanted to work closer to home.”
Oliver feels much differently about the city now as she prepares for an out-of-state transfer. This past week, her last in the Cleveland office, she agreed to talk about her 15 years in Northeast Ohio and her work on the region’s highest-profile investigations of corruption in Cuyahoga County government and elsewhere.
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