FBI Agent Had Sexual Relations With Cooperating Witness in ex-Rep. Jefferson Case; Judge Refuses Request for New Trial


Here’s a little explosive news. These are the things agents know can harm a case. In this case, so far, this sexual relationship hasn’t derailed the conviction. But we’ll see on appeal.

By New Orleans Times-Picayune Staff
Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III today denied former Rep. William Jefferson’s request for a new trial.

The request was based partly on the judge’s refusal to allow the jury to hear that one of the FBI agents assigned to the corruption case had a sexual relationship with a government informant who secretly recorded conversations with the defendant.

According to the ruling, lead FBI agent Timothy Thibault disclosed June 5, four days before jury selection began, that agent John Guandolo, who served as the undercover driver for the government’s informant Lori Mody, had been involved in a sexual relationship with her.

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