FBI Agents Association Issues Statement about Ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh Who Was Seriously Injured in Car Crash

By Allan Lengel
Louis J. Freeh/adl photo

The FBI Agents Association President Reynaldo Tariche issued a statement about former FBI Director Louis Freeh, who was seriously injured in a one-vehicle crash Monday in Vermont.

“On behalf of our members – 12,000 active duty and retired FBI Agents – I want to wish former Director Freeh a speedy recovery. When Louis Freeh was FBI Director, our members knew that he was always there for us, and that he understood the challenges a Special Agent faces in their daily duties. We want Director Freeh to know that we are – and will continue to be – there for him during his recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.”

CNN reported that the Vermont State Police said that Freeh was driving a GMC Yukon when it went off the road, struck a mailbox and ran over some bushes.


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