FBI Agents Association Pushes for Rep. Mike Rogers to Replace FBI Director Robert Mueller

Rep. Mike Rogers
By Allan Lengel

The FBI Agents Association, which represents more than 12,000 active duty and retired Agents, is urging President Obama to pick Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers to replace FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III.

Rogers, a Republican,  is a former FBI agent, who heads the House Intelligence Committee.

In a press release issued Monday,the association’s president Konrad Motyka stated:

“Chairman Rogers exemplifies the principles that should be possessed by the next FBI Director. His unique and diverse experience as a veteran, FBI Agent and member of Congress will allow him to effectively lead the men and women of the Bureau as they continue their work to protect our country from criminal and terrorist threats.”

“Chairman Rogers heads the House Intelligence Committee and is respected by leaders on both sides of the aisle. His background as a Special Agent sets him apart as someone capable of confronting the wide array of challenges facing our country and the Bureau.”

Jana Monroe

Mueller had his 10-year term extended for two years. That is supposed to expire in September.

Patrick Fitzgerald/doj photo

Other names that have surfaced in the rumor mill include: ex-U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald ,  Jim Comey, the former U.S. attorney in Manhattan and Jana Monroe, former head of the Phoenix FBI.

Two years ago, the association pushed for Mike Mason , the former Executive Assistant Director for the Criminal Investigative Division of the FBI, to get Mueller’s job. But in the end, President Obama punted on a replacement and decided to extend Mueller’s reign by two years.


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