NPR has some new coverage of the anti-Muslim bias in FBI training.
The radio station has obtained real-time emails from agents in the controversial Quantico training session which indicate that some agents, distressed by what they were being taught, complained to superiors and sought council from experts.
“Generally, Mohammed was portrayed as a warring military leader,” reads one email, according to NPR. “And the instructor said that for one to be a true Muslim, they have to engage in jihad that either supports or directly engages in killing non-Muslims.”
NPR also reported that the instructor taught that Mohammed was epileptic, the Quran coming to him not by divine inspiration but as an epileptic fit.
Officials confirmed to NPR that they had been made aware of the course and were taking moves to ameliorate the situation as early as last spring, and the instructor was removed.
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To listen to the NPR report click here.