FBI and NYPD Reopen 1979 Etan Patz Disappearance

fbi photo archive
Shoshanna Utchenik

The disappearance of 6-year- old New York boy Etan Patz 33 years ago has never been resolved nor forgotten.

The New York Times reports 40 police and FBI investigators swarmed a SoHo art storage space on Thursday morning, ready to disassemble the 13 by 62 foot space brick by brick in search of the boy’s remains. The flurry follows release of a search warrant in response to the reaction of a cadaver-sniffing dog in the long-observed storage space.

“Obviously we’re hopeful that we’ll find evidence in the disappearance of Etan Patz,” F.B.I. spokesman Tim Flannelly told the NY Times. “But the take-away of this is that we’re committed to these types of investigations, as is the N.Y.P.D. And we’re trying to bring closure to the investigation and the family, and we’re not going to be frustrated by time.”

At the time of Patz’s disappearance in 1979 there was a world-wide hunt, and he was one of the first missing children to be displayed on milk cartons.

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