FBI Announces $1 Million Reward to Help Find Ex-FBI Agent Who Vanished in Iran in 2007

By Allan Lengel

On the five-year anniversary of his disappearance– which happens to be this week — the FBI is offering a $1 million reward and is launching a publicity campaign in Asia to try to locate and bring home ex-FBI agent Robert A. Levinson, who vanished while on business in Iran.

The FBI said that on March 8, 2007, Levinson traveled to Kish Island, Iran as a private investigator “and has not been publicly seen or heard from since his disappearance on March 9, 2007.”

“On the fifth anniversary of Bob’s disappearance, the FBI continues to follow every lead into his abduction and captivity,” James W. McJunkin, head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office said in a statement.

“We are committed to bringing Bob home safely to his family. We hope that this reward will encourage anyone with information about Bob or his captors, no matter how insignificant it seems, to contact the FBI.”

Director Mueller, seen with Robert Levinson’s wife Christine and Deputy Director Sean Joyce, announces a $1 million reward in the Levinson case./fbi photo

Authorities said a year ago Sec. of State Hillary Clinton issued a statement saying the U.S. had info that Levinson was being held captive by a group in southwest Asia.

Authorities said they were launching a publicity campaign in southwest Asia to heighten awareness of Levinson’s abduction and $1 million reward  via billboards, radio messages, and flyers. A tip line will be provided to listeners and viewers.


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