The FBI office in Connecticut issued an unusual apology after sending out a press release with false information about the office’s new head, Patricia Ferrick said.
The Hartford Courant reports that the Sept. 23 news release incorrectly credited Ferrick for playing a key role in an investigation she wasn’t involved in.
“Ms. Ferrick left the ranks of management [at FBI headquarters in Washington] in 2005 and transferred to the New Haven Division after being selected primary investigator of a high-profile case involving the governor of Connecticut,” the news release read.
Turns out, Ferrick didn’t investigate the case, according to the Courant.
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I still feel the FBI has not gotten enough credit for assassinating President Kennedy Pittsburgh FBI agent Orsini did his best to silence Dr Cyril Wecht a few years ago, eh?
Subject: A Great Conference on the JFK Assassination– The Future of Freedom Foundation BEST CONFERENCE IN 20 YEARS
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 18:24:31 -0400
This completely sold out conference was a 5 Star Event, conducted by Cyril Wecht, at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, run by Ben Wecht, Debbie and staff, and was flawless. There is a link to the program inside this review by Jacob Hornberger.
Moreover, for the first time under one roof, in the book room were exhibits by COPA, Coalition On Political Assassinations, displaying their “Hidden History Museum” concept, as well as JFK Lancer– November in Dallas, both registering researchers for their upcoming Dallas Conferences next month.
JFK Lancer
Also were Walt Brown, who recently completed his JFK Chronology consisting of 32,000 pages on a single digital disk, Rex Bradford & the Mary Ferrell Foundation had the new edition of the late Gaeton Fonzi’s masterpiece, “The Last Investigation”, [which sold out the first day] with a new introduction and forward by Marie Fonzi, who also asked the publisher to do an audio version, which has Gaeton’s voice speaking at the beginning, (a first according to Skyhorse Publishing).
Dr. Cyril Wecht made one of his wonderful passionate speeches, confirming the progress that we have made in the past, with the enactment of the JFK Act, which released millions of documents providing some transparency to the assassination. In addition to attempting the release of remaining documents, Wecht stated that there are not enough young people investigating this case, which was also echoed by Oliver Stone. Since the case is an open murder case in the Dallas Police Department (Cold Case), we must now work on REOPENING THE CASE in the future.
I suggest that perhaps we should supplant the original “Free The Files” 4 inch buttons, seen in 1993, with “Reopen the JFK Case” in 2013. There is no statute of limitations in a murder case. Most Americans have no idea that the case was never closed, in the City of Dallas.