FBI Arrests Calif. Woman Charged With Scamming Nuns Out of $285,000

By Allan Lengel
For AOL News

A California woman may have to answer to a higher authority — a federal judge, that is — after being charged with scamming a group of nuns out of $285,000 and using the money to pay for items such as lingerie and pet sitting.

The FBI Monday arrested Linda Rose Gagnon, 57, of Tustin, on three counts of wire fraud for allegedly swindling a group of nuns at the U.S. Province of the Religious of Jesus & Mary Inc. in Rhode Island in a real estate scam.

Authorities say Gagnon operated the California-based Rose Enterprise Inc., a company she claimed helped clients with delinquent mortgages and real estate transactions. She had no real estate license.

According to a federal indictment, Gagnon, a former student of a boarding school operated by the Sisters of Religious of Jesus & Mary, visited the convent in Rhode Island in November 2008 and learned the organization was attempting to purchase a property in San Diego as a residence for nuns. It has residences for nuns all around the country.

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