FBI Arrests White Supremacist Blogger on Charges of Threatening Lives of 3 Chicago Judges

Hal Turner/msnbc photo
Hal Turner/msnbc photo

The white supremacists movement seems to be grabbing headlines as of  late. A white supremacist killed a guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington a few weeks ago. Now we’ve got the arrest of Hal Turner. The movement, which has become more disorganized in recent years with the deaths of key leaders, is trying to make inroads. The FBI is concerned the ailing economy and the election of an African American president could help recruiting.

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO – A white supremacist blogger was arrested at his New Jersey home Wednesday and charged with threatening to assault or murder three Chicago-based judges who refused to overturn local ordinances banning handguns.

Hal Turner, 47, a former Internet radio talk show host, was taken into custody by FBI agents who went to his North Bergen home with a search warrant, according to the U.S. attorney’s office.

Prosecutors quoted a Turner Internet posting as saying: “Let me be the first to say this plainly: These judges deserve to be killed.”

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