The FBI apparently raided more than originally reported, hitting the homes of a former council member and high ranking firefighter as part of a public corruption probe into development in Prince George’s County.
By Rosalend Helderman and Nelson Hernandez
Washington Post Staff Writers
GREENBELT, Md. — An FBI sweep across Prince George’s County on Saturday included raids on the homes of a former county council member and a high-ranking official with the county fire department, part of a federal investigation into a massive development project near the Greenbelt Metro station, a law enforcement source and neighbors said yesterday.
The searches of houses belonging to former council member Thomas R. Hendershot and Fire Department Lt. Col. Karl L. Granzow Jr. came on the same morning that teams of agents visited two county government buildings armed with search warrants and grand jury subpoenas seeking information on a lengthy list of lobbyists and developers, according to a source with knowledge of the documents.