FBI Continues Insider Trading Investigations Using Stable of Informants

By Danny Fenster
 There’s apparently no shortage of snitches on Wall Street.

The FBI said Monday that it plans to continue investigating alleged insider trading using its current “stable of informants” for the next five years,  reports ValueWalk.com.

The FBI has been running “Perfect Hedge” since 2009,  an operation that has resulted in charges against numerous traders, executives and research consultants.

David Chaves, a FBI supervisory special agent, securities and commodities fraud investigations, said on Monday, ‘We have cooperators set up for years to come,” FBI agent David Chaves said Monday, according to the news website.

He said some of the witnesses included traders who were busted and are looking to get reduced sentences.

To date, 59  of the 64 people arrested have been convicted or pleaded guilty ,  according to ValueWalk.com.

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