FBI: Cop Tipped Off Drug Dealers

By Danny Fenster

The FBI is alleging that  a Georgia cop tipped off drug dealers about an upcoming raid by the bureau, charges that the cop says are untrue, reports the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Gabriel Hoskins III, the police officer, plead not guilty to the charges on Thursday, but was placed on supervised release with a $10,000 unsecured bond, according to the Journal-Constitution. The accusation claims Hoskins was looking up names and identifying information of suspected drug dealers in the FBI’s criminal database, then used the information to tip the drug dealers off.

“It’s very disturbing when law enforcement reveals to criminals that other law enforcement will be conducting a search warrant,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert McBurney told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “It endangers the officers doing the search warrant, and it makes it very likely that whatever evidence might have been in that apartment … like drugs, guns, ledgers … might be destroyed.”

Hoskins is said to have befriended a couple of drug dealers who lived in his apartment complex. He was a volunteer officer  for about a year, working just 16 hours a week.

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