This issue over FBI informants in mosques has created serious tension as of late between the FBI and the Islamic community in the U.S. This comes after great inroads have been made to improve relations in the Post-9/11 era.
Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES — FBI Director Robert Mueller on Monday defended the agency’s use of informants within U.S. mosques, despite complaints from Muslim organizations that worshippers and clerics are being targeted instead of possible terrorists.
Mueller’s comments came just days after a Michigan Muslim organization asked the Justice Department to investigate complaints that the FBI is asking the faithful to spy on Islamic leaders and worshippers. Similar alarm followed the disclosure earlier this year that the FBI planted a spy in Southern California mosques.
“We don’t investigate places, we investigate individuals,” Mueller said during a brief meeting with reporters in Los Angeles.
“To the extent that there may be evidence or other information of criminal wrongdoings, then we will … undertake those investigations,” Mueller added. “We will continue to do it.”
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