FBI Director Comey Back in the Hot Seat Today When He Testifies Before Congress

FBI Director James Comey.
FBI Director James Comey.

By Steve Neavling

FBI Director James Comey will be back in the spotlight Wednesday when he testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats are expected to grill Comey for more information on the bureau’s months-long investigation into a potential collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the outcome of the presidential election.

But as NBC Chicago reports, Comey isn’t expected to reveal much “because such investigations rarely end in criminal charges that offer a full picture.” 

Counterintelligence investigations rarely result in charges.

“The vast majority of counterintelligence investigations will never see the inside of a courtroom,” said former FBI counterintelligence agent Asha Rangappa, an associate dean of Yale Law School. “The purpose of a counterintelligence investigation isn’t to find people, build a criminal case and put them in jail.”

Usually, the purpose is to identify spies.

President Trump complimented Comey and claimed any allegations of collaborating with the Russians are “phony.”

“FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign?” Trump said in a couple of tweets.

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